Friday, February 27, 2009

Freaky Friday

I think I like this trend...freaky Friday, what could be more fun?

This week though it is not a video. It is an article I came across while reading one of my favorite blogs Vegan Lunch Box . The article is on juice usage in children. You think juice is healthy right?

Doctors say juice is no better than soda! Yes, you read that right. Read for yourself they’re both essentially a mixture of water and sugar without fiber.

It makes me laugh to think of all the people I know that are so indignant of others giving their children a glass of soda and insisting they could never do that because juice is just so much healthier.
even diluted juice like we do is still just water, sugar and no fiber

and why are we teaching our children from such a young age that they have to have sweet drinks anyway? why not just give them straight water? "oh but my child won't drink water" they will if they haven't been given other sugar filled drinks all their life. Shawn and I were talking about this the other night. We made smoothies and someone made a comment that they weren't sweet enough. It made me realize that we live in a society where we just use so much sugar that we cannot eat anything without it. I told him that if we started to cut it out and retrained our palette that soon our dependance on sugar would decrease. We are going to give it a try.

so what do they suggest? water. eating the fruit instead of drinking the juice. that gives them fiber, no added sugars and no added preservatives.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009