Monday, November 01, 2010

What are you thankful for?

I feel like the pebble, thrown into the lake that makes a wave--the wave that filters further and further out to reach more around it.

Last year on facebook, I made November my month of gratefulness.  I posted a "today, I am thankful for...." post everyday.  It got hard at times to think of something that wasn't frivolous,  but I made it through and it helped me to appreciate even more the people in my life and the things that I have.

This year, I am doing it again.  When I posted today, I found that there were several friends that posted after me on their own page a thankful post!  A few even asked if they could copy me - to which I gladly said YES!  I want my friends to participate!  As they day has gone by, I have seen more and more people posting as the idea spreads and every post brings a smile to my face as I realize that I helped them to do this!

...I hope they enjoy it and learn as much from it as I did!  Will you join us too?  30 days of thankfulness!  I challenge you to do it!

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