Thursday, October 25, 2007

37 weeks and a bit more progress

Today was a good appointment. My OB was not in and I got to see my favorite nurse that was with me through my 3 previous pregnancies..Nancy.

She asked if I minded if she examined me - and then if Calista (the other nurse) could check me too. Calista is learning to do exams and I had no problem with that at all. Nancy was very excited when she checked me and told calista she'd be able to feel it right away.

So Calista checked, and yup, she was very excited that she could tell what I was! LOL YAY ME for having a good cervix.

So 2cm, 50% effaced, head is 0 station. they could poke through the opening in my cervix and touch his head.

My BP was still higher than normal, but back down a bit so we are good till Tuesday. I am really starting to swell and my headaches have increased, so that is not the best news but-what can you do?

So that is all for now. I've been having lots of contractions today but nothing to excite me much.

Friday, October 19, 2007

36 1/2 weeks and time is flying

I really wish it would slow down so I could enjoy these last few weeks before Harrison is born. It is going by too fast. People keep saying "oh, those last weeks go by sooo slow" and I am like "NO! They are going by WAY TOO FAST!"

got checked today due to how sick I have been. 1 1/2 cm dilated now...36 weeks and 3 days. I gained 1 cm in the last week! woo hoo. LOL cause that means SO much-not!

other than that, we are good. I am grumpy. My family keeps irritating me hormones *cough* *cough* hormones and it seems all I want to do is sleep.

The only thing I look forward to soon with him coming is that I will start to normalize in my hormones again....well, as normal as can be expected!
and Shawn-stop laughing and agreeing with me!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Go to sleep


All I want to do is go back to sleep for even 30 minutes.
I go lay down, get all comfy wrapped up in my blanket and close my eyes and.....
Harrison *bump* has *bump* hiccups.


I am so tired.

Friday, October 12, 2007

35 week appointment

I am off of bedrest!

he said to use common sense and if my contractions are bad, take it easy...duh! LOL

so almost 1 cm, very softat 25% effaced and head is down at -2 station

because of my distance from the office, he said I don't even have to go back for 2 weeks! (unless I have issues! LOL) woo hoo!!!! now I can get some stuff done!

Update on that lawsuit

Officer to drop lawsuit

and key points of the article:

  1. The city also reported today that it has placed Eichhorn on leave
  2. In a prepared statement, the department said it did so after a controversy over the suit caused it to review the incident.

Official City Statement and a very funny article on the situation Hello, 911? send a cop that won't sue

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stuff for Harrison (moved from crafty)

I am on a roll! LOL Is this what nesting does to ya?

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Goldfish-Knit from my own dyed yarn from our store Nurturing Threads
then we have some new longies knit from yarn from Laurie at Mommy's" Little Sweetie
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and shorts, again dyed by me in the mint chocolate colorway.

POSTED 9-29-07

OK, so I have been very busy with making stuff for this little boy. I finally got rid of my fear and took on knit binding on the neckline for shirts. So much easier than FOE!

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The shirt pattern is from New Conceptions baby essentials
The sewn pants are from Ottobre Design/ (a wonderful pattern magazine out of Finland)
The knitted longies are from Little Turtle Knits/ picky pants pattern.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

There just are no words for this situation

long story short...1 year old boy gets into pool. Parents find him, bring him inside to revive him...cops show up to help and one slips in a puddle of water inside, gets hurt and is now SUING THE FAMILY of the boy...who by the way, is several brain damaged and will never be normal again.

here is the story:
Cops falls on the job, sues family

some lovely little tidbits:

  1. One of the rescuers, Casselberry police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn, is suing, alleging the family left a puddle of water on the floor that afternoon, causing her to slip and fall.
  2. accusing them of negligence. They were careless, according to the suit, and allowed the home they shared to become unsafe
  3. If the Cosmillos had made their pool baby-proof, police would not have been called to the scene, there would have been no water on the floor, and Eichhorn would not have hurt herself, he said

I really cannot say anything on this subject without being foul, so I will let you draw your own conclusions.

All I can say is, if I were in that city, I'd gladly sit on the jury for this trial!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

So 34 weeks today and I started to drop yesterday

I noticed that I had to go to the bathroom a lot more yesterday. Of course, this irritated me and I wasn't even thinking! LOL Last night as I went to feel my belly - I noticed "hmm, this is different" and went and looked and sure enough, he has dropped some.

Not that this is really exciting by any means as I ALWAYS drop early...along with dilating early and effacing early. I just don't go INTO labor early! LOL
When I had Isabella, I was 5+ cm and 100% effaced and not in labor. but hey! progress is progress right?

Still on bedrest. Getting pretty frustrated with it as it is so hard to run a household with 8 people while stuck in bed. Luckily I am still able to get up and sew. Been knitting more too, those are posted on my crafty blog.

The business is doing good. We get so many requests for custom orders. I was also approached by a store that sells online and in a B&M physical store and she wanted me to contact her regarding my knitting needle rolls and stitch markers to possibly carry in her stores. I am too busy right now, but I will keep it in mind. We also ran a co-op on our yarn for an online group, and I have 70 skeins to dye before he is born. . . so I am following the rules and sitting at the counter to do it! LOL

I am hoping that my pressure is going down. I really do not want another appointment with a super high pressure! 142/94 was pretty bad (especially since my normal is 112/78) and I think a second reading like that with the protein may make Dr Lowder do something more that we aren't ready for.

Thats all for now. Will have more on current events later.