Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!

so did you make any resolutions? how did you do with the ones you made last year?
I didn't do so hot. So this year, I resolve to do better with my resolutions! LOL

Maybe I shouldn't call them resolutions, but more goals for what I hope to learn and accomplish.

so here are my goals in 2009:
1) learn to cook better. experiment every week with 1 new recipe
2) increase my health. remember to take my medications on a regular basis-this is hard for me
3) be an even better mom-totally a work in progress *wink*

so along that mom line, here is a song that I listened to all the time while I was pregnant with Harrison. It embodies the hopes and dreams we have for our children. I found it again this morning and of course just cried as I listened to it! LOL

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