Monday, April 30, 2007

Midwife persecution

I just don't understand why society is so afraid to believe and trust in their bodies to have a baby. Why they are so afraid to allow midwives to continue to deliver babies.
The statistics, if they bothered to look, supports the saftey of homebirth and birthing center births. The statistics show that babies born with midwives out of a hospital setting have lower numbers of problems during the birth. They have better outcomes. They have better breastfeeding rates. There is so much I could write here about statistics that would make your eyes glaze over!
Why are they so afraid?
Because a homebirth or birthing center birth doesn't get society any money.
Society gains with hospital births. With inductions and micro-managed births and c-sections.
Yes, there is a place for Obstetrics. They should be attending to the higher risk pregnant women. Leave the low-risk women to the midwives. Let them have the birth they want.
Did you know Idaho wants to take this away? Legislature is going on to stop midwives. To keep births in a hospital setting. To get involved in every little detail. They don't care to even look at the numbers. They only want the doctors numbers. No, not the numbers of the bad outcomes that OB's do have...they want the numbers the doctors provide of transports. They want the numbers from the doctors that they can twist to make the midwives look bad.
If they drop this legilsature, then the doctors lose money. That is the bottom line.

As a doula (professional labor support) and a mother of 6, who is currently pregnant-it disgusts me. At one point my dream was to become a midwife. But what is going on in this country is scary. We would do very well to look at the birthing ideals and statistics from other countries. This is not the place that the USA prevails.

I still love what I do. To be there at a birth, to help a mother through her labor and see that sweet baby afterwards and know that I helped this mom have a beautiful birth that she wanted....there is nothing like it.
But I do get discouraged. I would urge all people in Idaho to write letters to their legislators urging them to not take away the midwives. To not let them control and bind the hands of the midwives. To let us CHOOSE OUR BIRTH.

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